My favorite TOP 6 herbs to alleviate stress....

These herbs can be taken as TEAS, DECOCTIONS and TONIC HERBAL MIXTURES mixed through a herbalist or naturopath:
LEMON BALM- As the name suggests a soothing and calming balm for stressed nerves. It invigorates yet relaxes the nervous system at the same time. It helps put you to sleep and can be also used to reduce all ailments related back to the nervous system like insomnia, cramping, headaches, muscle tension and soreness. Best of all it tastes delicious J
PASSIONFLOWER- My favourite of all favourites!!! It is an incredible sedative used to combat nervousness and anxiety, to tranquilize the mind and assist with sleep. When you take passionflower the sleep can be deep, less wakeful and with little disruption. I call it a delicious, yummy sleep. It can also be used in muscle cramps , bronchial asthma and period pain.
CHAMOMILE-I remember this tea from being a little girl. My mum used to give it to me to settle my stomach and put me to sleep. Besides tasting sweet it has calming and sedative properties on the nervous system as well as the tummy.
VALERIAN ROOT- smelly feet herb! That’s what the tonics smell like…but I love using it! It is used to treat insomnia, nervous tension, anxiety, muscle cramps and spasms, headaches and stress. Valerian sedates and regulates the nervous system allowing for a peaceful sleep as well as clarity of mind.
HOPS-Besides being used in beer, as a herbalist we recommend hops for its sedative and antispasmodic actions on muscles. Hops helps induce a restful sleep.
SKULLCAP- Tasting delicious! Used to treat anxiety and stress. Love using this herb for general relaxing of the body and mind including insomnia, anxiety and nightmares.

- Naturopath