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Stuffed Eggplant & Zucchini


Serves 4 - 6

  • 3 Zucchinis

  • 1 Eggplant

  • 1 large piece Broccoli 

  • ½ cup Mushrooms

  • 4 Tomatoes

  • 2 tsps Paprika relish

  • 75g Goat fetta

  • ½ cup Almond meal or cooked quinoa

  • 4 Eggs

  • Parsley to garnish



  1. Cut zucchinis and eggplant in half and create little boats.

  2. Combine the insides of zucchinis and eggplant and all vegetables and stirfry in a little olive oil until they are soft. Allow to cool

  3. Place little zucchini and eggplant boats on a pan with a little olive oil.

  4. Add the almond meal, eggs, paprika and cheese to vegetables.

  5. Mix together and stuff the zucchinis and eggplant.

  6. Place in a 160°C oven for 30 minutes until egg is cooked.

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