Mindset Mojo
You know you do it!...
One piece of chocolate..becomes a whole bar..one chip a whole bag..one tim tam...11 tim tams...so What is the answer to these compulsions?
Client Question.."So Karina, whats really happening when you are being compulsive with food?"
Karina Answer..."We are keeping feelings that we are afraid of at bay"
Client Question.."So why is that?"
Karina Answer..." Because at some point in your life you were encouraged to hide your feelings, distrust and dislike them"
Client Question.." So when did this happen?"
Karina Answer... "Generally when we are really young and we were told , 'Don't make a big deal out of it' 'Big girls don't cry', and also when you were such a little person that you felt you couldn't survive with the emotion that was being thrown at you.
Every time that you felt disappointed, threatened and confused or disillusioned, you held your breath and swallowed those feelings hoping that they would disappear.
Sadness, self-judgment , fear and anger was trapped away frown emoticon
You controlled those feelings and learnt what you felt should be rather than what is."
Client Question.. "So how did this become a food addiction or compulsion?"
Karina Answer... "After a while trying to control your emotions wears thin and you find new ways of dealing with feelings. Binge eating and other behaviours around food or alcohol become our survival systems"
"We kind of create these behaviours to take care of ourselves, food brings comfort and helps bury unwanted feelings, however unfortunately the comfort is short term."
Client Question.. "What feelings are you talking about?"
Karina Answer... " Whatever you judged and learnt wasn't any good for you for example fear, anger, sadness and unfortunately every time you feel these which is a normal part of human life guess what? You will fuel your compulsions and addictions"
"you numb out."
Client Question.. "So what can I do about it?"
Karina Answer... "Understand that these addictions and compulsions are a gift..don't fight them or try to control them. Become conscious and compassionate to yourself and others. Take care of yourself and explore where all of this came from."
" Move out of the prison of your mind, trust yourself again, live again..and become mindful ...being your true self is an unbecoming. become curious to your behaviours...you are all there..just have to take the masks off and feel again ..."
It is time to get your mindest right. - Karina Francois
What is Mindset Mojo?
It is a One on One consultations, with Karina, where she will work with you to help you tap into your sub-conscious.
It is about getting through the blocks of self-sabotage and you inability to commit to health.
It truly is time to Rock the Mojo.
What will Karina cover in your sessions?
Health management and weight loss management is a life change
Discovering the big WHY?
Self Esteem
Self Responsibility
Body and self-image
Where are you going
Successfully making life changes
Learning to love exercise
Your tribe-support network
Relief from stress
Believe it, Dream it Board
There are 6 appointments each consultations will be 60minutes one on one with Karina - there is a no cancellation policy.
Please call (03) 9707 5745 to make your appointment.
$699 - we do have payment plans available.
Mindset Mojo - It is a step by step mindset program, created by Karina to assist you in finding the freedom to commit to self.
Disclaimer Mindset Mojo - Please read:
Please note that Infinite Health Practice requires that all clients read the below Disclaimer and our Agreement and will draw the attention of all intending clients to these documents prior to service being provided. A client's willingness to participate in any counselling session will be taken by the counsellor/s to mean that they have read, understood and accepted each and every clause of the below Disclaimer and Agreement.
1 - The practitioners associated with Infinite Health Practice do not claim to have legally recognized qualifications or authority to be counsellors or therapists. We act as a director, mentor, guide or navigator for those who choose to contact us out of concern for their own personal journey in pursuit of happiness, fulfilment and/or liberation from mind-made suffering.
2 - Our service has been designed and is provided for people in a state of normal mental and physical health and functioning, to help them to relax more deeply into awakening and Self-awareness. It is not designed to treat, diagnose, cure or alleviate symptoms of any kind of mental or physical or illness.
3- Our service is offered in good faith and any advice or instruction provided in any interaction clients may have with Infinite Health Practice should not been seen by them as a substitute for the professional advice of medical doctors, psychiatrists or clinical psychologists. In all cases it is the responsibility of each client to seek appropriate professional treatment for any symptoms of disease or dis-order that they may be experiencing.
4 - Infinite Health Practice is not able to give any warranty or guarantee that personal problems (either expressed or implied) presented by a client can or will be resolved.
5 - Infinite Health Practice does not accept any liability or responsibility for any consequences of a client's use of its services -- either beneficial or otherwise. A client's use of the advice or information provided in a counselling session, their interpretation of what they see or hear in such sessions or any effects on them or others which they attribute to such sessions is their responsibility alone.
6 - In no event shall Infinite Health Practice or its employees be liable to any person(s) for any loss or damage of any kind which may occur as a result of the counselling service(s) it provides.