Our Other Service
Infinite Health Practice
call (03) 9707 5745 to make your booking
Good physical and emotional health is restored and maintained by supporting the body’s natural processes and by addressing its needs for correct nutrition, balanced functioning and an increase in the resilience of the nervous system. A positive outlook combined with knowledge drawn from nature’s own processes provide the basis for the restoration of vibrant health.

Naturopath Consultations
Eye Ronec - Iridology
Dorn Spinal Therapy
Russian Cupping Massage
Weight Loss Management
Holistic Counseling
Hormone, Food Sensitivity,
Mineral, Sleep, Candida & Coeliac Testing
Click on the below button to find out more about Naturopathy.
Let our massage therapist treat a specific problem that you are suffering like:
Frozen Shoulder
Wry Neck
Lower Back
Tension Headache
Plantar fasciatis
Tennis Elbow
Golfers Elbow
Your remedial therapist can give you a full history and postrual assesment to get down to the cause of the pain.
Click on the below button to find out what options would suit you and see our price menu.

Remedial Massage

Ear Candling
Chose a more alternative way to invest in your ears, we are all to aware of the dangers of when we clean our ears with the cheap alternative cotton buds. Here at Infinite Health Practice we offer a more soother approach to cleaning one of our most sensitive and precious senses our ears.
The alternative therapy is ear candling. Ear candling can be conducted on it's own with one of our therapists, but the ultimate package of a head massage and ear candling is one of our more popular options.
Ultra Lite Program
Ultra lite is a nutritionally balanced program where you are allowed to eat rather than starve your body, which can have the negative effect slowing down your metabolism.
Ultra Lite involved a low carbohydrate, protein sparing modified diet that has been clinically tested and found to be safe. This makes your body switch to burning fats as an energy source instead of carbohydrates. Ultra Lite is a quick, safe and effective program to lose weight and is the result of many years of professional research.
Women can lose up to 10kgs in 5 weeks.
Men can lose up to 15kgs in 5 weeks.
Lose weight (fat, not muscle tissue) rapidly and safely.
This is NOT a STARVATION diet.
You eat your own food; food we have in our fridge & pantry.
There are no expensive prepared meals.
You have one on one consultations with a qualified Ultra Lite Practitioner.
Completely safe, no pharmaceuticals involved.
Health fund rebates & incentives often apply.
Click here to read our success stories.

Click here to find out more about Ultra Lite.

Reiki is HEALING - you are giving the body universal life force.
It is a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being.
We truly believe the importance of taking some time out and allowing some time for your soul.
Reiki, it is one of the tools we use to help you indulge in some soul time. This session includes holistic counselling and chakra balancing.
Biomesotherapy stimulates your body's own healing capacity. The body is encouraged to start healing itself. Many other products used are formulatd to relax muscle tension, for example when treating neck and lower back pain. People are often very surprised at the ease of the treatment. This technique cannot be compared with the injections given in conventional medicine.
Biomesotherapy uses saline injections.

We have a large group room where lots of differnt activites are scheduled through out the week, we love to offer our clients a central point to come and learn, participate and feel part of a supportive community.
We run Nutrition workshops
You can HOST a workshop - go to Workshops Page
Wellness workshops
Personal Training
Like to know what workshops Karina Francois runs?
Click on the button to see.