Should you Drink it?
Dairy: Milk and Milk Products..
TO DRINK OR NOT TO DRINK... In a large number of Countries there is still a misconception that milk and milk products are 100% healthy. Forget the advertising slogans – uninterested whether you react allergically or not (8 from 10 people do anyhow!). Dairy products plug and slime up the Lymphatic System and the Respiratory Tract. The darker tan, hair and eyes somebody has the more problems he will have with Dairy. Asian, African, Turks, Aborigines, Islanders, Maui's, Indians, South American people etc are all 100% Lactose/Dairy Intolerant! There is no reason why we should put more pressure on our Lymphatic System – it already has enough to do due to Environmental Poisons! The fact is only 5-16% of calcium from dairy products can be absorbed by the human intestine. A large number of people (approx 70%) are unaware that they have an intolerance to lactose and milk protein, making the common belief of dairy being healthy not justifiable! In the Netherlands ‘school milk’ has been replaced since the beginning of 2001 with ‘school fruit’! Cow’s milk is for calves to grow up on … not for human beings. Especially in adults who often don’t have the enzymes to split lactose (milk sugar), causing diarrhoea and other more serious intestinal problems. The milk of each animal is specific to the requirements of their species, therefore, if humans were meant to drink milk, women would produce milk their entire lives. Humans are in fact the only single mammal that consumes milk past the stage of infancy. It has been proven that the digestive systems of over 70% of the world’s entire population cannot ‘stomach’ milk. This is due to the presence of lactose in milk. The problem with lactose and humans is that generally we do not have the enzyme lactase which is required to break down the lactose. Some races though are able to tolerate milk, those such as the Dutch and Nordic races, and experience less side effects or disturbances to their body by consuming milk. On the other hand, other people may experience mild reactions including digestive problems and bloating or severe allergic reactions, respiratory disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and bowel cancer, sinusitis and chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as a study conducted by the University of Helsinki in 2000 concluding that “there was a worrying trend of children that are given cow’s milk formula when young developing type one diabetes later in life due to the insulin content in cow’s milk”. Not only this, but cow’s milk is also one of the most polluted foods due to pesticides. There are those who will dispute these facts and argue the case that milk contains many nutrients including vitamins A, B2 and B12, calcium, potassium, protein, zinc, phosphorus and carbohydrates. It is correct that these nutrients are indeed found in cow’s milk. However it is the extra qualities of milk that make it undesirable for human consumption. Fat from milk is 62% saturated fat which can lead to heart disease, blocked arteries, diabetes and high blood cholesterol. Milk is also concentrated with casein which is the main ingredient in glues and adhesives. This can aggravate infections and asthma in some people. There can also be up to 59 various hormones contained within milk. Melatonin, oestrogen, prolactin, progesterone and oxytocin to name but a few. This is due to the fact that milk should only be fed to that of a growing infant. Although attempts are made to keep the level of blood and pus down in milk, white blood cells within the milk can be counted as up to one and a half million per millilitre of milk. Not only are hormones and blood portions of milk, but antibiotics such as penicillin are products in milk as well. It is well advertised that we need milk for calcium to produce strong bones. However, calcium can be found in an array of alternative food products, some of which include all green vegetables, seaweed, green leafy vegetables, canned salmon, sardines and nuts, seeds and legumes. Also the calcium-phosphor ratio is not digestible for humans, therefore our body has to use its own calcium (from the bones) to digest the cows milk (see also Chapter How the body functions). This is also the reason why the western world which consumes substantial amounts of Dairy have increasingly high osteoporosis rates whilst the countries where Dairy is not part of the nourishment (Asian countries like China) Osteoporosis hardly exists. Also often asked question from me, where does the Cow once grown up, get his calcium from? Once grown up I personally have never have seen cows sucking on another cows udder to get their daily Calcium Supply! They eat the green stuff which provides them with plenty of digestible Calcium. It should be noted that to achieve maximum calcium absorption vitamin D presence is required. Infants and Young Children show a Lactose Intolerance with often recurring Ear Infections and Sore Throats/Tonsillitis. This is more than a 90% indication that there is a Lactose Intolerance.
- Naturopath