- Dec 14, 2015
Being realistic....
Being realistic is the road to mediocrity . It's is not the things we do in life that we regret on our deathbed it's those things we...
- Dec 12, 2015
Check your Intentions
Always check your intentions before you do anything. If they are inline with your heart then you will do things with peace and every...
- Dec 10, 2015
Let me highlight something....
Let me highlight something women sometimes forget to consider when they are so caught up in their self-sacrificing and caught up in...
- Dec 9, 2015
Here's what I learnt on my special night with Oprah!
Here's what I learnt from a night with Oprah.. What you've done to me has already been done to you...for every action there is an equal...
- Dec 8, 2015
Your Fidelity in Life!
Tonight I think of nothing more important than fidelity....the fidelity of life ,that is.. Your fidelity in life means that you choose to...
- Dec 2, 2015
Toxic Friendships
Toxic friendships we all know them , we may not always recognise them right? Toxic friendships generally stress you out, you generally...