Dec 14, 2015
Being realistic....
Being realistic is the road to mediocrity . It's is not the things we do in life that we regret on our deathbed it's those things we...

Dec 12, 2015
Check your Intentions
Always check your intentions before you do anything. If they are inline with your heart then you will do things with peace and every...

Dec 10, 2015
Let me highlight something....
Let me highlight something women sometimes forget to consider when they are so caught up in their self-sacrificing and caught up in...

Dec 9, 2015
Here's what I learnt on my special night with Oprah!
Here's what I learnt from a night with Oprah.. What you've done to me has already been done to you...for every action there is an equal...

Dec 8, 2015
Your Fidelity in Life!
Tonight I think of nothing more important than fidelity....the fidelity of life ,that is.. Your fidelity in life means that you choose to...

Dec 2, 2015
Toxic Friendships
Toxic friendships we all know them , we may not always recognise them right? Toxic friendships generally stress you out, you generally...