Here's what I learnt on my special night with Oprah!
Here's what I learnt from a night with Oprah..
What you've done to me has already been done to you...for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction...bam!
Not everyone can be famous but we can all strive to be great
Seek excellence in all that you do
Have gratitude everyday..there is always something to be grateful for...
'No" is a complete sentence don't have to explain nor justify yourself
Never do something just to be will always struggle with resentment
Do things with the right intention
Always question what your intention is
Always seek love not fear
Your own energy is your power and nobody can affect that
Listen to your inner voice
Connect with self during quiet time
Most people seek validation regardless of their socioeconomic status
Most arguments are just about being telling someone you hear them generally means that the argument is over
Whatever you are curious about that is your purpose
When purpose meet personality..thats where your authenticity is
Your legacy is all the people that you have touched in your life
The children belong to the future
There is no life without a spiritual life listen to that
With Love